How you present yourself to others is more important than just being a specialist human being. You express yourself to the world by the medium of communication. Let’s don’t relate the communication to a specific language but knowledge of a language (especially English) is more important to be a good communicating personality.
Let’s put up some points here that differentiate you from others as a good communicator.
1. Break the silence: Believe me the silence could kill you virtually if you don’t speak, if you don’t present yourself, the world will never know what you are? Why are you there and what you want to accomplish. So please speak up with people, manager, colleague, coworker, friends because you need to make people feel your presence.
2. Respond to the questions: Sometimes a casual approach could cause a damage to your career. If you missed responding an email could cause you an increment in job, a promotion, a much desired position you always wanted or a much wanted sales lead you wanted to close. Every question thrown towards you should be replied, otherwise the questioning person will think either you are not capable or you are not interested in the opportunity he is willing to give you.
3. Stick to the point: It’s very important that you stay on track when you talk. A good communicator is not allowed to discuss about everything in the world but only the topic he started to discus. Always find the motive of discussion and take the first priority point first to discus. Do not drive yours or other person’s attention to anything else but the objective of discussion.
4. Repeat the important things: If you started to talk about something called “Topic 1”, you may have to repeat it for couple of times. The reason is if it’s a long discussion, sometimes the listener forgets the original point, so you have to remind the listener that we started with “Topic 1”, that makes your communication focused and fruitful.
Let’s put up some points here that differentiate you from others as a good communicator.

2. Respond to the questions: Sometimes a casual approach could cause a damage to your career. If you missed responding an email could cause you an increment in job, a promotion, a much desired position you always wanted or a much wanted sales lead you wanted to close. Every question thrown towards you should be replied, otherwise the questioning person will think either you are not capable or you are not interested in the opportunity he is willing to give you.
3. Stick to the point: It’s very important that you stay on track when you talk. A good communicator is not allowed to discuss about everything in the world but only the topic he started to discus. Always find the motive of discussion and take the first priority point first to discus. Do not drive yours or other person’s attention to anything else but the objective of discussion.
4. Repeat the important things: If you started to talk about something called “Topic 1”, you may have to repeat it for couple of times. The reason is if it’s a long discussion, sometimes the listener forgets the original point, so you have to remind the listener that we started with “Topic 1”, that makes your communication focused and fruitful.
5. Be Yourself : You should express "what you are" not that "what you are not." its easy to catch a manipulation.
My personal experience has made me believe that most successful people are always good communicating people. The one having excellent skills and no communication faces a competition if he/she doesn’t communicate well.
Speak up and make the world feel your presence.
Your surroundings play a very important role in helping you create your electromagnetic field. There are specific items you can place in your surrounding and carry with you to improve and increase your energy field and help you in creating a magnetic personality.